Čiastková knižnica
Tituly dostupné v čiaskovej knižnici:
Marcel Gabriel | Creative Fidelity | Fordham | New York 2002 |
Noble Ivana | Po Božích stopách | Centrum pro | Brno 2019 |
Marcel Gabriel | Being and Having | Franklin | Milton Keynes b.r.v. |
Marcel Gabriel | The Mystery of Being | St. Augustine ́s | South Bend 2000 |
Schreiter Robert J. | The New Catholicity | Orbis Books | Maryknoll 1997 |
Saliba John A. | Understanding New Religious Movements | AltaMira Press | Walnut Creek 2003 |
Spaces of Spirituality | Routledge | London 2018 | |
Exploring Religion and the Sacred in a Media | Routledge | London 2009 | |
Women and Religion in the West | Routledge | London 2008 | |
Religion and the Individual | Routledge | London 2008 | |
Materializing Religion | Routledge | London 2016 | |
Červenková Denisa | Katolický pohled na náboženskou pluralitu | Univerzita | Praha 2016 |
Vaaijman Kees | Spirituality | Peeters | Leuven 2002 |
Matulník Jozef | Analýza religiozity mladých katolíkov na | Dobrá kniha | Trnava 2014 |
Antonelli Mario | Ad gentes. Nostra aetate. Dignitatis humanae 6 | Centro | Bologna 2018 |
Canobbio Giacomo | Lumen gentium 2 | Centro | Bologna 2015 |
Cortesi Alessandro | Perfectae caritatis. Apostolicam actuositatem. | Centro | Bologna 2019 |
Allard Maxime | Que rendrai-je au Seigneur ? | Éditions | Paris 2004 |
The Oxford Handbook of Virtue | Oxford | New York 2018 | |
Inspiring Faith in Schools | Routledge | London 2007 | |
Kristjánsson Kristján | Flourishing as the Aim of Education | Routledge | London 2020 |
Teaching Virtue | Bloomsbury | London 2014 | |
Science and the World ́s Religions | ABC-CLIO, | Santa Barbara 2012 | |
Science and the World ́s Religions | ABC-CLIO, | Santa Barbara 2012 | |
Science and the World ́s Religions | ABC-CLIO, | Santa Barbara 2012 | |
Where God and Science Meet | Praeger | Westport 2006 | |
Where God and Science Meet | Praeger | Westport 2006 | |
Where God and Science Meet | Praeger | Westport 2006 | |
The Biology of Religious Behavior | ABC-CLIO, | Santa Barbara 2009 | |
The Evolution of Religion, Religiosity and | Routledge | London 2020 | |
Newberg Andrew | Neurotheology | Columbia | New York 2018 |
The Biological Evolution of Religious Mind and | Springer-Verla | Berlin 2009 | |
Trzebiatowska Marta | Why are Women More Religious Than Men? | Oxford | Oxford 2014 |
Tremlin Todd | Minds and Gods | Oxford | Oxford 2006 |
Wildman Wesley J. | Science and Religious Anthropology | Routledge | London 2009 |
How the World ́s Religions Are Responding to | Routledge | London 2016 | |
Wildman Wesley J. | In Our Own Image | Oxford | Oxford 2017 |
Searching for Spirituality in Higher Education | Peter Lang | New York 2007 | |
Wathey John C. | The Illusion of God ́s Presence | Prometheus | Amherst 2026 |